SASC has invested £200,000 of working capital in Brook a charity specialising in sexual health, and the only organisation in the UK to offer clinical and educational services specifically to young people.

SASC has provided a short-term loan to support Brook’s continued organisational growth with a particular focus on its education programmes for young people and training for professionals.

This is the first time Brook has used social investment. It comes at a time when two thirds of local councils have cut funding for sexual and reproductive health services[i].

Brook was established in 1964 by Helen Brook who opened the first sexual health clinic for women in London. It now operates in 22 locations in England and delivers relationship and sex education (RSE) in 38% of English local authorities.

Last year Brook’s clinical services helped more than 51,000 young people, with over half of those coming from the 40% most deprived communities. Over half a million young people accessed the charity’s online help and advice pages and a further 128,000 under 25s benefitted from its education and wellbeing programmes.

Going forward, Brook will continue to use its unique position as leaders in the field of young people’s RSE and experts in professionals’ training, when the subject becomes mandatory in September 2020.

Ben Rick, Managing Director of SASC said,

“We’re delighted to support Brook. It is a long standing, well managed charity that is really in tune with their beneficiaries. They are providing a service not widely available and the impact of its work in some of the most deprived communities in the UK is huge.

“The difficult commissioning environment for public health in the UK is making it harder for charities like Brook to access funding. Social investment is offering them a solution that enables them to continue the great work they do. The charity has a bright future, especially in the schools market and we are looking forward to working with them.”

Helen Marshall, Chief Executive at Brook Young People said,

“Brook has long been lobbying for compulsory RSE and we celebrate this great opportunity to improve the sexual and reproductive health, relationships and wellbeing of the nation.

“Thanks to the investment from SASC we have been able to accelerate our work in preparation for mandatory RSE and ensure that we are in the best possible position to support schools and teachers with the implementation and delivery of these new subjects.

“Through our face-to-face and online training, Brook builds the skills and confidence of professionals working with young people in a range of school and community settings, enabling them to deliver RSE more confidently and effectively. Our new offer will see the expansion of RSE outside of the classroom and into the workplace, to help bridge the gap between school and work life”.

